ConnectWise Products | Log4j Vulnerability

ConnectWise products have been also affected Log4j Vulnerability.The list of affected products like Global Search Capability of Manager Cloud as well as OnPremise version of the same along with MarketPlace, Perch and StratoZen. Detailed Mitigation steps have been provided below on how to prevent the exploitation by Log4j Vulnerability.

ConnectWise ProductVersionsStatusPatched
Global search capability of Manage CloudAllVulnerableMitigation
Manage on-premise’s Global SearchAll VulnerableMitigation
MarketplaceAll VulnerableMitigation
PerchAll VulnerableMitigation
StratoZenAll VulnerableMitigation

Connect Wise has suspended Manage on-premise Global Search capability as it could be exploited by Log4j Vulnerability and they would be providing steps on when it can be re-enabled. And after comprehensive assessment ConnectWise has confirmed there has been no exploitation of MarketPlace and Global Search Capability of Manage Cloud.

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