Changing Php settings in Plesk

Plesk allows you change the individual php versions for each website and also as a whole. Let us see what are the steps to change the php setting for each website

Step 1: Login into Plesk Admin panel

Step 2: Click on Websites & Domains on the left, Once you click on it, All the Domains that has been configured would be displayed on the right side

Step 3: Click on Php Settings as shown below

Step 4: Php settings page will be displayed as shown below.In this page if you are looking to change the Php version for a particular website, then click on Php support & change it to the version (say 7.3 or 7.4) like that

Step 5: Then click on Apply & Ok at the bottom.The versions will get changed immediately

Step 6: In case if you are looking to change the other settings related to Php, if you scroll down you will be able to see a host of settings as shown below

To change these settings, set this to a desired value and then click on Apply & Ok!

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