GoAnywhere Free MFT Software

GoAnywhere also provides a free version of MFT (Managed File Transfer) software along with free encryption tools which is not a trial version. This free version can be used by 5 users along with additional 5 users who can have access to secure mail. List of free GoAnywhere software that can be downloaded are as follows

  • GoDrive
  • Free FTP Server
  • Free FTP Client for Automation
  • Free Open PGP Encryption Tool

All the above software can be downloaded from here – https://www.goanywhere.com/free

GoDrive, Free FTP Server, Free FTP Client for Automation comes along with GoAnywhere MFT whereas Free Open PGP Encryption tool needs to be downloaded separately. The Free PGP Encryption tool is a desktop version which allows you to encrypt and decrypt keys.

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